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Diwali 2023 Calendar: 5 Days of Deepawali with City-Specific Lakshmi Puja Timings

Commencing on November 10, the Diwali festivities span five days, encompassing Dhanteras, Choti Diwali, Diwali, Govardhan Puja, and Bhai Dooj. Here's a comprehensive guide to everything you need to know.

Deepawali, also known as Diwali, the prominent Hindu festival, is approaching, and individuals are already engrossed in preparations. Occurring on the 15th day of the Kartik month, marking the darkest night of the year in the Hindu lunar calendar, this festival of lights is set to be celebrated with grandeur and enthusiasm across India on Sunday, November 12. Diwali symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Legend has it that on this auspicious day, Lord Ram, Mata Sita, and his brother Lakshman returned to Ayodhya after their 14-year exile, triumphant over Ravana, the ruler of Lanka.

The five-day festival in India is a jubilation of light, prosperity, and cultural significance. It encompasses Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi (Choti Diwali), Diwali (the primary event), Govardhan Puja, and Bhai Dooj. Each day carries its own set of rituals and traditions, underscoring themes of unity, love, and the triumph of light over darkness. It serves as a moment for families to gather, exchange gifts, illuminate lamps, and fortify their bonds. From dates to shubh muhurat, here is a comprehensive guide covering all aspects of the five-day festival.

Diwali 2023 schedule and auspicious timings: 

A detailed overview of the five days of Deepawali

Day 1: Dhanteras or Dhan Trayodashi (November 10) :

This day marks the commencement of Diwali celebrations. People observe the worship of Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Kubera, and engage in purchasing new items to usher in wealth and prosperity into their lives. The Dhanteras puja muhurat on November 10 is scheduled to begin at 5:47 PM and conclude at 7:43 PM, as per Drik Panchang. The duration of the muhurat will span 1 hour and 56 minutes.

Day 2: Choti Diwali, also known as Narak Chaturdashi (November 11) :

The second day marks the celebration of Choti Diwali or Naraka Chaturdashi, commemorating Lord Krishna's victory over the demonic Narakasura. The Abhyang Snan Muhurat is scheduled to commence at 05:28 AM on November 11 and conclude at 06:41 AM on November 12. During Pradosh Kaal, which starts at 05:29 PM and ends at 08:07 PM, the ritual of Deepdan is performed.

Day 3: Diwali (November 12) :

The third day is the primary Diwali festival, observed with immense enthusiasm. On this day, people adorn their homes with earthen lamps (diyas), vibrant rangoli, and lights. Lakshmi Puja is traditionally conducted in the evening during the auspicious Pradosh Kaal, which extends from 05:46 PM to 08:22 PM, as per Drik Panchang.

Day 4: Govardhan Puja (November 13) :

Following Diwali by a day, Indians celebrate Govardhan Puja, a day dedicated to worshipping Lord Krishna. Legend has it that Lord Krishna lifted the "Govardhan" mountain, rescuing the people of Mathura from Lord Indra. According to Drik Panchang, the Govardhan Puja muhurat begins from 06:46 AM to 08:58 AM.

Day 5: Bhai Dooj (November 14) :

The final day, known as Bhau Beej, Bhai Dooj, or Bhaiya Dooj, is dedicated to honoring the special bond between brothers and sisters. According to Drik Panchang, the auspicious Bhai Dooj Aparahna Time is set to commence at 01:10 PM on Tuesday, November 14, and conclude at 03:19 PM, spanning a duration of two hours and nine minutes. Additionally, the Dwitiya Tithi will commence on November 14 at 02:36 PM and conclude on November 15 at 01:47 PM.

Certainly! The list provides city-wise timings for Lakshmi puja muhurat, specifying the auspicious time ranges for conducting the puja in different cities:

1. Kolkata: The recommended time for Lakshmi puja in Kolkata is from 5:17 pm to 7:45 pm.

2. Jaipur: In Jaipur, the auspicious time for Lakshmi puja is from 5:48 pm to 7:44 pm.

3. New Delhi: The suggested time for Lakshmi puja in New Delhi is from 5:32 pm to 8:00 pm.

4. Hyderabad: In Hyderabad, the auspicious time for Lakshmi puja is from 5:52 pm to 7:53 pm.

5. Mumbai: The recommended time for Lakshmi puja in Mumbai is from 5:47 pm to 8:14 pm.

6. Chennai: In Chennai, the auspicious time for Lakshmi puja is from 5:52 pm to 8:08 pm.

7. Bengaluru: The suggested time for Lakshmi puja in Bengaluru is from 5:49 pm to 8:16 pm.

These timings are important for those planning to perform Lakshmi puja in these cities, aligning with the auspicious hours for the worship of Goddess Lakshmi during Diwali.


इस ब्लॉग से लोकप्रिय पोस्ट

भारतातील मुख्य समस्या काय आहेत आणि भारत महासत्ता कसा बनेल ?

 भारताला, इतर कोणत्याही राष्ट्राप्रमाणेच, शाश्वत विकास आणि प्रगतीसाठी अनेक आव्हानांचा सामना करावा लागतो. भारतातील काही मुख्य समस्यांमध्ये हे समाविष्ट आहे: 1. गरिबी:      - लोकसंख्येचा मोठा भाग अजूनही गरिबीत राहतो आणि उत्पन्नातील असमानता ही एक महत्त्वाची चिंता आहे. 2. शिक्षण:      - विशेषत: ग्रामीण भागात, दर्जेदार शिक्षण मिळणे हे एक आव्हान आहे. 3. आरोग्य सेवा:      - आरोग्यसेवा पायाभूत सुविधा आणि सुलभतेचा आणखी विकास आवश्यक आहे. 4. पायाभूत सुविधा:      - वाहतूक, ऊर्जा आणि शहरी सुविधांसह अपुर्‍या पायाभूत सुविधांमुळे आर्थिक विकासाला आव्हाने आहेत. 5. भ्रष्टाचार:      - भ्रष्टाचार प्रभावी प्रशासन आणि आर्थिक प्रगतीमध्ये अडथळा आणू शकतो. ६. बेरोजगारी:      - लोकसंख्याशास्त्रीय लाभांशाचा उपयोग करण्यासाठी रोजगार निर्मिती आवश्यक आहे, परंतु बेरोजगारी हा चिंतेचा विषय आहे. 7. पर्यावरण शाश्वतता:      - जलद औद्योगिकीकरण आणि शहरीकरणामुळे पर्यावरणाचा ऱ्हास आणि प्रदूषण होत आहे. 8. सामाजिक समस्या:...